kindfulness isn’t exclusive to some and unavailable to others. its experiential to all

kindfulness is available to all its experiential to all. The experience of kindful awareness doesn’t have anything at all to do with thinking. One person isn’t better at it compared to another, nor can another person, however enlightened, experience something that you can’t. kindfulness isn’t exclusive to some and unavailable to others. The mind can think about awareness by way of responding to or reflecting on a kindful experience, but the thinking mind can’t become kindful.
kindful awareness is an experience of awareness, but you can’t think your way to it. You can’t get there by thought. kindful thinking isn’t mindful awareness. Doing the opposite by trying not to think so that you can become mindfully aware doesn’t work, either. That’s just thought thinking about trying not to think and thought trying to be mindful. kindful awareness isn’t about trying to think or trying not to think. Thinking has nothing whatsoever to do with mindful awareness.

The ultimate thought, which isn’t about kindfulness, is the realizs
ation that the “me” thought or “me” identity is just that, an identity created by thought. In effect, it’s the realisation that you only exist in thought and outside of thought you don’t exist, not as a thought.

When we experience kindfulness we can connect with, discover, notice or become aware of what we are outside of thought, but thought can’t go to that place.
